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The Liminal Phase; From Woman to Mother, ‘Betwixt and Between.’

Liminality was first introduced in 1909 by anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep. Describing the rites of passage as a three part structure: Separation; Liminial Period; and Re-assimilation. The liminal phase in particular, is that of a period of time where a person has not yet completed the rite of passage to their new status. Liminality was further extended by anthropologist Victor Turner and described as “Betwixt and between.” The right of passage for ones physical, psychological and social self.  It was only until recently that I truly identified with the experience of the liminal phase. This was during my first pregnancy. My husband and I were ‘ready’ to become parents and we welcomed this next chapter with open arms. As my first pregnancy...

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A Midwife & Mum's perspective on pregnancy wellness including how to prepare for labour, birth and the fourth trimester

...women are deeply powerful. From the strength they carry through labour and birth to the consistent conscientious mothering of a tiny, ever-relying human is beyond incredible. I always knew women were amazing yet I feel like I get it on a whole other level...

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